Now that Marley is gone, Kyler is doomed to more years of ointments, noise-cancelling headphones, and gluten-free snacks. Marley encouraged Kyler to take risks, to be assertive, and to maybe ask out Jessica, his long time crush. His uncle was the only adult who didn’t treat him like he would break. Always in fragile health, Kyler is constantly babied by his family.

Meanwhile, fifteen-year-old Kyler has lost the only person who ever treated him like a normal kid. But how could a benevolent God refuse a nice guy like Marley? And if being a nice guy is all that it takes to get into heaven, why bother to go to church? And is it wrong to even think such thoughts, especially now that he’s starting to date Vanessa, the most faithful girl in the youth group? Seventeen-year-old Aaron, who was adopted from China via a religious charity, worries that the heaven he was taught about is not for sinners like his uncle. When Marley died in a freak motorcycle accident, no one took it harder than his two nephews, Aaron and Kyler.